Concert Season
We seem to be approaching the time of the year when every single band decides to tour at the same time just so that it is impossible to see them all. Here's my rough list of the shows I would like to or will go to:
9.23 Frog Eyes and the Umbrella Sequence at the 7th Street Entry
9.24 Xiu Xiu at the Triple Rock
9.28 Rilo Kiley and Tilley and the Wall at the Quest Ascot Room
10.1 PJ Harvey at First Avenue (alas I can't go because of my birthday trip)
10.8/9 Low at the Triple Rock
10.10 Rufus Wainwright at Pantages
10.10 Metric in Thunder Bay, ON (I'll see Rufus, but this is damn tempting only a 6 hour drive)
10.11 Q and not U at the Triple Rock 5 p.m
10.11 Fly Pan Am and Mono at the Triple Rock 9 p.m.
10.16 RJD2 at the Triple Rock
10.24 The Good Life at the Triple Rock
10.29 Clinic at the Fine Line
10.30 ...and you will know us by the trail of the dead at the Triple Rock
11.6 Handsome Family at the Fine Line
11.8 Pinback at the Triple Rock
11.9 Blonde Redhead at the Fine Line
11.16 MF Doom at First Avenue
11.19 Ted Leo and the Pharmacists at U of M Duluth?
Now if I could find someone to buy me tickets to all of these I would be happy. The other thing I find striking is that the Triple Rock has become the best music venue in the Twin Cities. Since renovating they've had the perfect space, but now it seems that their booking has fallen into place as well. Go Triple Rock! That's not even mentioning their Bloody Mary.
Advertising can be a big problem otherwise. A lot of companies reserve a big chunk of their budgets to cover marketing expenditures.
Anonymous, at November 4, 2005 at 5:19 AM
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